First Steps – March 18, 2024

2 And the earth was tohuvavohu (without form, and void), and darkness was upon the face of the deep. And the Ruach Elohim was hovering upon the face of the waters.

There is a word in the above verse of Genesis 1:2 that is underlined:  Tohuvavohu (TOH-hoo vah-VOH-hoo).  It is difficult to translate because it is a play on words.  It is a Hebrew way of describing the absence of things without using the negative form.  In the verse, it is the absence of form (formless and void).  It describes a condition of something like an empty desert without water.  At the same time, the Ruach (breath or spirit) of Elohim (God) was hovering over the face of the waters.  In the next verse, that same breath of God calls forth light.

What God did in creation, God still does today in our lives.  God desires something more than tohuvavohu in you.  In the New Testament, we are reformed by the nature of Christ. It is Christ in us that is the hope of glory.  This work of God is not tohuvavohu.  God doesn’t desire the formless and wants to fill the voids with His presence.  His spirit continually hovers over those places that need to be filled.  He continually calls forth light.  

The book of Genesis asserts the reality of God, God’s ongoing work of creation, God’s dominion of order that tames the chaos.  This work of God didn’t stop in Genesis.  It continues today.  Frankly, I’m humbled by and grateful for this work.  This is hope—hope for those inward places that still need light.  Hope for places around the world that are still filled with darkness.  There is something so reassuring to know the Breath of God still hovers over the tohuvavohu, wherever it is, and wants to bring order, beauty, and light.

This Week’s Readings:
-Monday – John 11
-Tuesday – John 12
-Wednesday – John 13
-Thursday – John 14
-Friday – John 15

Things to Pray About:
-The violence and finding peace in our city, state, country, and in the world.
-Pray for guidance, healing, protection, strength, courage, and faith.
-Our unwillingly absent members.
-Comfort those who are grieving and in distress.
-Wisdom for our leaders as they navigate through uncertain times.
-Family restoration through forgiveness.
-Continued Growth Inside and Outside the Walls of St. Paul UMC.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” – Philippians 4:6