First Steps – January 8, 2024

From time to time, I will officiate a couple’s renewal of their wedding vows. There is no single reason as to why a couple will renew their vows.  Sometimes it is to mark a major anniversary (20 years, 25 years, 30 years, 40 years, etc.). Other times, couples sense a drifting apart or that things feel stale or stagnant. Therefore, a renewal of vows can be a reminder of past promises made. Whatever the case, they are no longer living out of the energy of the original vows. Those original vows have lost their vigor or lost a sense of their weight and importance. 

In a renewal ceremony, the aim is not to return to the past or to be the people they once were when they originally entered into that commitment. That is impossible. People are never stationary but growing, and evolving, and it is impossible to become again the person they were at a previous stage of life. 

Rather, when people renew their vows, they are allowing the commitments to continue shaping the persons they are becoming. In effect, the vow or commitment remains constant, as a kind of glue that holds them as they evolve and change. The renewed vows become guardrails that guide the growth.

One question I ask is, “How do we evolve/grow continually throughout our lives, while still holding a commitment made in the past when we were in a different place?”  Maybe the answer is we renew that original commitment as it continues to guide and direct. 

Each new year, I renew my vows to God and ministry.  I pledge myself to God’s Kingdom and the work he has privileged His children to be a part of and placed before them.  What about you?  Will you renew your vow to God and allow it to direct you this year?

This Week’s Readings:
*Monday – 1 Timothy 2
*Tuesday – 1 Timothy 3
*Wednesday – 1 Timothy 4
*Thursday – 1 Timothy 5
*Friday – 1 Timothy 6

Things to Pray About:
-The violence and finding peace in our city, state, country, and in the world.
-Pray for guidance, healing, protection, strength, courage, and faith.
-Our unwillingly absent members.
-Comfort those who are grieving and in distress.
-Wisdom for our leaders as they navigate through uncertain times.
-Family restoration through forgiveness.
-Continued Growth Inside and Outside the Walls of St. Paul UMC.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” – Philippians 4:6