First Steps – January 29, 2024

I’m always amazed at how Jesus was fully present with his disciples.  Frankly, he was fully present with each person he encountered; not distracted, not looking for the next person down the road, but fully alive in each moment with each person.  So, what does “presence” mean?  A dictionary definition says presence is the fact or condition of being present.  It is showing up.  But presence is more than simply showing up.  To be present is to show up fully and to give your attention to something where you are as fully as possible.
I think everyone has been in settings when we were not fully present.  Our bodies may have been there, but our minds were somewhere else, our attention was on something else, and we were not focused or engaged.  Likewise, we have been with others in conversation or sharing a meal where we have been alone because another’s attention was wandering.  Perhaps, they were preoccupied with email, a game, or social media, and were listening with only “one ear.”  If lucky, they would ask for you to repeat what you just said.
Presence is showing up and attendance is a major part of being present, but also giving attention and being where you are as fully as possible.  When you commit to be present, you are saying that you will show up. But really, you are saying much more. You are committing to be engaged, to give the best of your attention, to participate, and to offer all of yourself body, mind, heart, strength, and soul.
What would being fully present look like in the different areas of life where you can apply this sense of showing up:
                to be present in a marriage
                to be present in a friendship
                to be present in your work
                to be present in your leisure
                to be present in a community of faith
                to be present in your relationship with God.
Commit to giving your full presence to your faith and to following God.  The more we are present with God, the more we will be present with others. 

This Week’s Readings:
-Monday – Hebrews 2
-Tuesday – Hebrews 3
-Wednesday – Hebrews 4
-Thursday – Hebrews 5
-Friday – Hebrews 6

Things to Pray About:
-The violence and finding peace in our city, state, country, and in the world.
-Pray for guidance, healing, protection, strength, courage, and faith.
-Our unwillingly absent members.
-Comfort those who are grieving and in distress.
-Wisdom for our leaders as they navigate through uncertain times.
-Family restoration through forgiveness.
-Continued Growth Inside and Outside the Walls of St. Paul UMC.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” – Philippians 4:6