First Steps – December 5, 2022

Is there a such thing as a respectable sin?  I’ve wondered.  Obviously, in the strictest sense, the answer is a resounding “NO!” However, hang with me as we explore the concept.  Some sins need no announcement for they shake the earth. For instance, adultery, theft, and murder are easy to spot, and by no means would anyone call them respectable. They rear their ugly in places that would never be a pew or at a church meeting.  

But there is a sin that can show up often in the pew or in the middle of a worship service where Christians gather to praise God.  It is self-righteousness that can be a type of cancer to the heart for out of this one sin grows many others: Gossip, lying, lust, and envy.  Though we wouldn’t call them respectable, but at least they happen in a respectable place, in the pew, under the radar of anyone to see.  

They are eusebeigenic (Eugene Peterson’s term stemming from the Greek eusebeia meaning “godly reverence”). Peterson formed this word while recovering from a staph infection where his doctor said he had an iatrogenic illness, a disease contracted while being healed of something else.  Spiritually, while being healed from something else, a person can develop a practice of something equally as destructive, self-righteousness. While reverencing God, we practice judgment, gossip, envy, and many other inward sins stemming from self-righteousness.

This was the struggle of the older son in Luke 15.  He failed to realize he was a wandering sheep just like his younger brother.  Whenever we cross the line and fail to recognize our constant need for God’s grace, our sin of self-righteousness is eusebeigenic.  Thankfully, the remedy is simple in practice, difficult in heart—humble oneself and allow God’s Spirit to show us our constant needs. It is there that we will find that his grace continues to be sufficient.

 This Week’s Readings:
*Monday – Revelation 13
*Tuesday – Revelation 14
*Wednesday – Revelation 15
*Thursday – Revelation 16
*Friday – Revelation 17

Prayer Requests:
*Heal those who are sick and protect those who are not.
*Comfort those who are grieving and in distress.
*Wisdom for our leaders as they navigate through uncertain times.
*Guidance for those seeking to find their way.
*Continued Growth Inside and Outside the Walls of St. Paul UMC.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” – Philippians 4:6