First Steps – December 17, 2018

With just a few days before Christmas, I invite you to pray this prayer with me:

“Almighty and Merciful God, you have told me to rejoice always, do good to others, and to be at peace.  Therefore, I need your assistance.  Help me to rely on your strength and to trust your faithfulness.  The same way I breathe in oxygen to live, Lord, I want to breathe in your Spirit.  I want it to calm my anxious heart.   Allow it to give me the right state of mind to praise you throughout this day.  Help me to see the effects of your Son’s work in the world.  Amen.”

Now, look for the traces of God’s work in your life.  Embrace the God-Moments.  Give thanks for His rich blessings in your life.


This week’s reading:

  • Monday – John 1
  • Tuesday – John 2
  • Wednesday – John 3
  • Thursday – John 4
    ​Friday – John 5


Please Pray for:

Upcoming Ukraine Mission Trip.  You might know I serve at a church that has a long-standing ministry in Ukraine.  I’m delighted my church serves in this capacity.  Some of you constantly ask what one can do to help this ministry.  First, please pray for Ukraine, their citizenry—especially their orphans.  Second, if you would like to financially aid this ministry, below is a link that lists some of the needs for the orphans we support.