“First Steps” by Rev. Dr. Shane Green – August 25, 2024

This summer, Dr. Green wanted to share some of his favorite First Steps from previous years.  

August 26

Often I feel like my prayers are foul balls, or I really don’t know what to pray.   During these times, I borrow from other people. I pray their prayer, using their words until I can find my own. Their words prime the pump of my mind so that I can eventually unlock my own voice.

If you are like me and find yourself in a season of busyness, a hectic schedule, or pulled from one place to the next; then consider this prayer:

Ever-present God, thank you for being here with me right now. In the chaos of my life, I often forget that you are always with me, always seeking to bring me peace.  I feel overwhelmed, as if the world around me is a heaving, crashing sea; and I am adrift in a small boat, unable to keep the waves from closing over me. Only you can bring order out of this chaos. Say the word, all-powerful God, and I know that the seas will be calmed, and I will be safe. Even as I say these words, I can hear how foolish they are. You, the God of my life, are also the God of order. Bring order to my life, and in doing so, take care of all those concerns that rise up around me like stormwaves. Calm the seas of my busyness; still the waters of my “doingness.” Let me drift on the gentle swells of your love and care. (Pat Wilson—Contemporary Christian Writer).

This Week’s Readings:
Monday – Exodus 26
Tuesday – Exodus 27
Wednesday – Exodus 28
Thursday – Exodus 29
Friday – Exodus 30

We are reading the Bible in just a little over a year!  We have completed Genesis and are now reading Exodus. You may join anytime.  Just mark your Bible on the chapter you started and keep up with the weekly readings.

Things to Pray About:
Pray for our country and the 2024 Presidential Election.
Pray for guidance.
Our unwillingly absent members and shut-ins.
Pray for comfort for those who are grieving.
Wisdom for our church leaders, local leaders, and world leaders. 
Family restoration through forgiveness.
Continued growth of the faith of the people.Pray for inner peace. 

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” – Philippians 4:6