First Steps – April 27, 2020

rising sun

I read a recent article that described the psychological effects of laughter. Basically, laughter establishes a positive emotional climate, connects people, and increases blood flow. I’m sure you have heard the cliché, Laughter is the Best Medicine, perhaps now there are studies that prove it. Though written centuries ago, the Psalmist knew the power of laughter. In Psalm 126, laughter is linked to restoration, “When the Lord restored the fortunes of Zion, we were like those who dreamed. Our mouths were filled with laughter, our tongues with songs of joy.”

Don’t be afraid to laugh! In times of difficulty and distancing, it is easy to focus on what is wrong, broken, and fearful. Yet, there are things around us that are joyful and need to be celebrated. Some of those things can fill our souls with laughter. As you begin this week, fix your eyes on what is joyful. They are still there, maybe harder to see than normal, but they still exist. Pursue laughter and allow that to restore your heart with hope. It will be like a burden released.

This week’s readings:
Monday – James 1
Tuesday – James 2
Wednesday – James 3
Thursday – James 4
Friday – James 5

Please Pray for:
Our ministers and their families.
Those who are unwillingly absent.
The United Methodist Church family.
Our nation and our leaders.
The World.
The Lost.
The lives of those touched by the Coronavirus.