“First Steps” by Rev. Dr. Shane Green – July 29, 2024

This summer, Dr. Green wanted to share some of his favorite First Steps from previous years.

I’m sure you have heard the saying, “Practice makes perfect.” This adage holds much truth and wisdom. The idea is if I do something over and over again, then I will achieve whatever goal I set out to reach. This modern proverb wasn’t lost on the early church fathers and mothers. One father linked time in mediation with immediate action so that nothing was lost. He wrote:

“After a time of meditation, immediately begin to put into practice the resolutions you have made. Don’t wait another day to get started. Without this application, meditation may be useless or even detrimental. Meditate on a virtue without practicing it, and you will mislead yourself into believing that you have actually become someone you are not. If I have resolved to win the heart of my enemy by being gentle toward that person, I will try to find a way this very day to be friendly to him. If I am not able to see that person face to face, I will at least pray for him.”

Living as a Christian is practicing our faith. The more we do it, the more mature we become which yields greater affinity with Christ. The practicing requires both meditation (reflection) AND follow-through (action). Begin this week! Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you during your prayers and to help you follow through as you walk with Him.

This Week’s Readings:
Monday – Exodus 6
Tuesday – Exodus 7
Wednesday – Exodus 8
Thursday – Exodus 9
Friday – Exodus 10

We are reading the Bible in just a little over a year!  We have completed Genesis and are now reading Exodus. You may join anytime.  Just mark your Bible on the chapter you started and keep up with the weekly readings.

Things to Pray About:
Pray for those affected by natural disasters.
Pray for words of kindness, to you and from you.
Pray for guidance, protection, healing, strength, courage, and faith. 
Our unwillingly absent members and shut-ins.
Comfort those who are grieving.
Wisdom for our church leaders (especially through the special called Church Conference), local leaders, and world leaders. 
Family restoration through forgiveness.
Continued growth of the faith of the people.
Pray for inner peace. 

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” – Philippians 4:6