July 26, 2022 – “Solomon’s Lessons: Divided Loyalties” (Rev. Dr. Shane Green)

Worship (SPUMCColumbus)
Worship (SPUMCColumbus)
July 26, 2022 - "Solomon's Lessons: Divided Loyalties" (Rev. Dr. Shane Green)

Contemporary Worship Service/1 Kings 11:9-13

Mary Lou Jarrell Has Announcements for the Week of June 26, 2022

It’s not too late to sign up to participate in the Small Groups which will start in August. Just send Mary Lou Jarrell a quick note. @mlpj40

SafeHouse ministry still needs you to clean out your closets and bring those gently used items for men or women to the church! Thank you!

Thank you to all who participated in VBS!
Our children and parents raised over $2,800 for our Ukraine Missions Ministry!
Church office will be closed on Monday, July 4.

Elementary Church camp at Shocco Springs is July 11 – 15.
We hold a current license from
Church Streaming and Podcast License
License Number: CSPL055770

Additional License from One License #A-714141 and CCLI #2035791

Solomon’s Lessons: Divided Loyalties [WORSHIP]

Order of Worship
Sunday, June 26, 2022
11:00 AM Traditional Worship

The Chiming of the Hour
The Welcome & Announcements by Mrs. Mary Lou Jarrell
The Choral Call to Worship: “Come, We That Love the Lord”
The Prelude: “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing” by Alfred Fedak
The Cross and Flame Come to the Altar
The Hymn of Celebration: “O For a Thousand Tongues to Sing” (verses 1, 2, 3, 4, and 7)
The Affirmation of Faith
The Gloria Patri
The Pastoral Prayer with The Lord’s Prayer by Mrs. Mary Lou Jarrell
The Hymn of Preparation: “Lord, Speak to Me” (verses 1, 2, & 5)
The Offertory Prayer
The Offertory: “Ayre” by G. P. Telemann
The Doxology
The Scripture Lesson: 1 Kings 11:9-13
The Passing of the Peace
The Registration of Attendance
The Welcome to St. Paul and Recognition of our Guests
The Children’s Moment by Rev. Dr. Shane Green
The Anthem: “Hymn of Promise” by N. Sleeth
The Sermon: “Solomon’s Lessons: Divided Loyalties” by Rev. Dr. Shane Green
The Hymn of Consecration: “Have Thine Own Way, Lord” (verses 1, 2, & 4)
The Cross and Flame Go Before Us into the World
The Benediction and Choral Response: “3-fold Amen”
The Postlude: “Diapason Movement in E Flat” by George Green

First Steps – June 27, 2022

A political season awaits!  In a few months, there will be a bombardment of mailings, commercials, and who knows what else.  Though I hope every person will be informed and participate in the elections by voting, the political seasons normally bring out the worst in people. For this reason, consider this advice from Francis de Sales:
     In the addition to a mental solitude to which you can retreat even in the middle of a crowd, learn to love actual physical solitude.  There is no need to go out into the desert.  Simply spend some quiet time alone in your room, or in a garden, or some other place.  There you can think holy thoughts or do a little spiritual reading.  One of the great bishops said, ‘I walk alone on the beach at sunset.  I use such recreation to refresh myself and shake off a little of my ordinary troubles.’
     Our Lord received a glowing report from the apostles about how they had preached and what a great ministry they had done.  Then he said to them, ‘Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest’ (Mark 6:31).
When advertisements and communication turn dark, find a place of retreat, a place of solitude. There, you can shake off a little of your ordinary troubles.

This Week’s Readings:
*Monday – 1 Thessalonians 5
*Tuesday – 2 Thessalonians 1
*Wednesday- 2 Thessalonians 2
*Thursday -2 Thessalonians 3
*Friday- Romans 1

Prayer Requests:
*Children’s safety as they participate in summer activities. 
*An immediate end to the crisis in Ukraine.
*Heal those who are sick and protect those who are not.
*Comfort those who are grieving and in distress.
*Wisdom for our leaders as they navigate through uncertain times.
*Guidance for those seeking to find their way.
*Continued Growth Inside and Outside the Walls of St. Paul UMC.

“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” – Philippians 4:6