First Steps – January 8, 2018

St. Columba was an Irish monk who ventured to Scotland to spread the gospel. Eventually he founded the Abbey at Iona, which is still in practice today.  Columba’s courage, determination, and faith guided him throughout his missionary journey.  Though not always easy and often filled with many setbacks, Columba never wavered in his mission to follow God.

In the Advent of this new year, which will be filled with setbacks, potholes, unknowns, and both joys and sorrows, I invite you to pray the prayer of St. Columba:

“Alone with none but thee, my God, I journey on my way.  What need I fear when thou art near, Oh King of night and day?  More safe am I within thy hand than if a host did round me stand.”

Wherever we go and whatever we know, know that the King of Night and Day goes with you.

May God bless you as you seek after God,

This week’s reading:
Monday – Matthew 26, 27
Tuesday – Matthew 28; 1 Thessalonians 1-3
Wednesday – 1 Thessalonians 4, 5 and 2 Thessalonians 1-3
Thursday – Romans 1-4
Friday – Romans 5-8

Please Pray for:
For 2018 and all those who will grow in Christ this year
St Paul’s upcoming Marriage Retreat
Our Nation and Leaders

Upcoming Sanctuary Renovations Begin January 15, 2018

It is hard to imagine that another year has come and gone.  For St. Paul, the coming year will be one of renovation and new construction.  In January, Phase 2 (Renovation of Current Facilities) and Phase 3 (Construction of New Youth Building) will begin simultaneously.  In Phase 2, each part of our existing building has been zoned.  The current plan is to “take down a zone,” complete all the renovations in that particular zone, and then “bring it back up.”

Zone One is our Sanctuary.  It will go down the week of January 15 and will be down through the first week of March.  This means we will relocate our Sanctuary Worship Services to the Fellowship Hall.  Beginning on Sunday, January 21 through Sunday March 4, our worship schedule will be:

8:30am   Early Worship in the Illges Chapel
9:00am   Contemporary Worship in CWC
9:45am   Worship in Fellowship Hall (Additional Worship Service)
10:55am Worship in Fellowship Hall

We have added an additional worship service during Zone One to accommodate everyone.  Hopefully, one of these times will be convenient for you.  Upon completion of Zone One, we will move on to other zones as scheduled.  Please know that will communicate well in advance our construction schedule through our information outlets.  However, if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact our church office.

I ask that you continue to pray for our mission:  St. Paul Exists to Grow the Faith of People.  This coming year is one of excitement.

God bless,

Kick Off the New Year with Sunday School

Grades K3-6th will compete for a Super Bowl Sunday school party. Help your class score touchdowns just by being present January 7-28!  Each child present will gain 10 yards on the field for their class.

We have the greatest “coaches” in town to guide children growing in their faith!

Marsha Mason
Lisa Fugh

Sara Varner
Robin Gosling

Eliza Brewer
Kathryn Mansfield
Meredith Waddell

First Grade
Debbie Powell
Lauren Briscoe
Karen Clark

Second Grade
Michelle Hudson
Cathryn Pease

Third Grade
Everett Bailey

Fourth Grade
Roy Hightower

Fifth Grade
Shelley and Rick Hill
Bo Bickerstaff

Sixth Grade
Tammy and Matthew Reynolds

In His Service,
Donna Hightower
Director of Children’s Ministry