Summer Fun!

A lot has been happening here at St. Paul, especially with the Children and Youth Ministries! St. Paul Kid’s Camp was at the beautiful Shocco Springs, in Talladega, AL. This is a favorite trip for kids and “the place” to be, as a Youth Counselor. From playing “Busy Bees” to watching bad acting skills, Kids Camp was successful and promoted our mission of “growing the faith of the people.” Thank you to parents, counselors, and youth leaders for all that you did at camp, and for taking pictures.

The Confirmation Class Visits Shearith Israel

On Friday, September 29, 2023, our Confirmation Class visited Shearith Israel for the Sukkot service. Sukkot is a week-long Jewish holiday that celebrates the autumn harvest. It is one of the most joyful festivals in Judaism, meant to bring families, friends, and communities together. The holiday also commemorates the 40 years that Jews spent in the desert after escaping slavery in Egypt. Thank you to Rabbi Brian Glusman!

A “Stellar” VBS for 2023!

This year’s Vacation Bible School centered around a space theme, with the motto “Shine Jesus’ Light.” Just like a star, we are reminded to continuously shine with Jesus’ teachings in mind. All astronauts enjoyed fantastic voyages each day with science, arts and crafts, story time, recreation, cinema, and of course, snacks!

Thank you to our volunteers! You made this happen! We want to send a “stellar” thank you to Molly Coleman, Anna Garcia, Rachel Williams, and Sara Rumph. Also, thank you to parents and children for your donations to the Ukraine Ministries! Because of your giving, our children in orphanages will receive $1512.71! We’d also like to announce that our Space Rangers group raised the most money for this important mission!

Thank you again for a successful week of VBS!