Pledge Support for 2024

Dear St. Paul Family,

Human beings are never stationary but always moving.  Therefore, the choices and commitments we make have the capacity to shape us.  They either center our life in God thus bringing him glory or they prevent us from becoming what God’s Spirit works to create.  Our commitments matter.  

At St. Paul, we exist to grow the faith of people by creating a culture, an environment, where people experience different catalysts yielding a Christlike life.  We can’t do this without your commitment.  We help others become what God intended when we commit to the ministries of our church.  As we begin this new year, I ask you to commit or recommit to our ministries.

Commit to Prayer—Pray daily for our ministries, pray for our leaders, teachers, preachers, and all those tasked with equipping the saints.  Pray for us to follow God’s Spirit’s leading as He directs and guides.

Commit to Presence—Make worship a priority.  Though we are grateful for technology and our online worship experience, it is never equal to live worship.  When we worship together, we grow together.

Commit to Generosity—Financially support our ministries.   As we grow in generosity, we grow in stewardship and grace.  Enclosed is a proposed Narrative Budget and a Financial Commitment Card.  These are practical tools our Finance Committee uses in leading our church.  Please complete the form below by February 11, 2024.  

Commit to Service—Find a ministry either inside or outside our walls to serve.  Every person needs a purpose, our purpose is to serve God by serving others.

Commit to Witness—Jesus told us we are salt and light meaning we are witnesses of God’s redeeming love.  In both word and deed, witness to those around you.

Our commitments determine what we become.  As we prioritize prayer, presence, generosity, service, and witness, we deepen our experience of God and allow His Spirit to transform us into the image of Christ.  Make 2024 a year of commitment.  Thank you in advance and God bless.


Rev. Dr. Shane Green