Order of Worship
Sunday, April 24, 2022
Confirmation Sunday
The Chiming of the Hour
The Welcome & Announcements – Rev. John Fugh, Jr.
The Choral Call to Worship: âChrist Is Risenâ
The Prelude: âAirâ by George Handel
The Cross and Flame Come to the Altar
The Processional Hymn: âCrown Him with Many Crownsâ
The Affirmation of Faith
The Gloria Patri
The Confirmation Introduction by Rev. Dr. Shane Green
The Service of Confirmation
The Pastoral Prayer with The Lordâs Prayer by Rev. John Fugh, Jr.
The Offertory Prayer
The Offertory: âNow the Green Blade Risethâ by James Southbridge
The Doxology
The Scripture Lesson: 1 Corinthians 13:6-7
The Passing of the Peace
The Registration of Attendance
The Welcome to St. Paul and Recognition of our Guests
The Anthem: âThe Gift of Loveâ by H. Hopson
The Sermon: âUnderstanding Yourself to Love God: Samson – The Need to be Againstâ by Rev. Dr. Shane Green
The Recessional Hymn: âHow Firm a Foundationâ
The Cross and Flame Go Before Us into the World
The Benediction and Choral Response: âDresden Amenâ
The Postlude: âChrist ist Erstandenâ by A. Fedak