Order of Worship
Sunday, March 20, 2022
11:00 AM Traditional Worship
Third Sunday of Lent
The Chiming of the Hour
The Welcome & Announcements by Rev. John Fugh, Jr.
The Choral Call to Worship: âLord, Whose Love Through Humble Serviceâ (vs. 1)
The Prelude: âToccataâ by J. Seeger
The Cross and Flame Come to the Altar
The Hymn of Celebration: âGod of Grace and God of Gloryâ
The Affirmation of Faith
The Gloria Patri
The Hymn of Preparation: âSweet Hour of Prayerâ
The Offertory Prayer
The Offertory: âSarabande with Variationsâ by G. F. Handel
The Doxology
The Scripture Lesson: Genesis 25:24-26; Matthew 6:1-7
The Passing of the Peace
The Registration of Attendance
The Welcome to St. Paul and Recognition of our Guests
The Childrenâs Moment by Rev. Dr. Shane Green
The Anthem: âCome Ye Sinners, Poor and Needyâ by K. Bonner
The Sermon: Understanding Yourself to Love God: âJacob – The Need to Succeedâ by Rev. Dr. Shane Green
The Special Music: âCloserâ Duet with Mr. Jake Hess, III and Mrs. Helen V. Manderson
The Flame Goes Before Us into the World
The Benediction and Choral Response: âLord, Whose Love Through Humble Serviceâ (v.4)
The Postlude: âGalliardâ by Bernhard Schmid, Jr.