Be the Difference Series: Problematic Blessings [Worship]

This Week’s Service:
Sunday, February 6, 2022
11:00 AM Traditional Worship

The Chiming of the Hour
The Welcome & Announcements by Rev. John Fugh, Jr.
The Cross and Flame Come to the Altar
The Prelude: “Deck Thyself, My Soul, with Gladness by G. P. Telemann
The Hymn of Celebration: “I Come with Joy” (verses 1-4)
The Affirmation of Faith
The Gloria Patri
The Pastoral Prayer with The Lord’s Prayer by Rev. John Fugh, Jr.
The Offertory Prayer
The Offertory Anthem: “For the Bread Which You Have Broken” by H. Healvy
The Doxology
The Scripture Lesson: 1 Samuel 16:14-23
The Passing of the Peace
The Registration of Attendance
The Welcome to St. Paul and Recognition of our Guests
The Children’s Moment by Rev. Dr. Shane Green
The Sermon: “Be the Difference Series: Problematic Blessings” by Rev. Dr. Shane Green
The Service of Holy Communion
The Hymn of Consecration: “Sent Forth by God’s Blessing”
The Flame Goes Before Us into the World
The Benediction
The Postlude: “Canzone post il communio” by Girolamo Frescobaldi

First Steps – February 7, 2022

The Truth will set you free, but not until it is done with you.
I don’t know who the first person was to coin this phrase, nor its context; however, it definitely echoes Jesus’ thoughts in John’s Gospel—Chapter 8 to be precise. When Jesus said the truth will set you free, it was in the context of those who abide by his words. The freedom that the gospels describe is not a life free from struggle, temptation, or pain.  It is a freedom that one experiences in the midst of their struggle, temptation, or pain. There is a world of difference between the two. I liken it to the difference between swimming with the current and swimming against the current. The current is there, it won’t go away…one doesn’t have to be controlled by it, but can actually thrive in the face of it.

Over my years of following Christ, I’m comforted and have drawn strength from how God is never satisfied until his nature is formed inside the follower. God won’t quit, won’t stop, but will continue until it is done, in this life or the life to come. His work will involve conviction, empowerment, comfort, or encouragement depending on what is needed to bring about his purpose. But, he won’t stop.  

I’m glad the truth will continue its work in me until the work is completed—that is real freedom.  Thanks be to God.

This Week’s Readings:
* Monday – Acts 11
* Tuesday – Acts 12
* Wednesday- Acts 13
* Thursday – Acts 14
* Friday- Acts 15 | Acts 16

Prayer Requests:
* Continued Growth Inside and Outside the Walls of St. Paul UMC.
* Strengthen our Country and Leaders, here and abroad.
* Heal those who are sick and protect those who are not.
* Give our leaders extra wisdom as they navigate this pandemic and economic uncertainty.
* Help those seeking to find their way.
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need and thank him for all he has done.” – Philippians 4:6

How to “Be the Difference,” from the Ellis’

Mark and Courtney Ellis talk about the importance of getting involved in church, as a married couple, as friends, and as parents. Listen for how Mark talks about things coming “full circle.” You can always “Be the Difference” in small ways.
Please join us as Shane continues his Sermon Series on “Be the Difference.” If you missed the 9AM service, you can watch the 11AM service at This week, the sermon is subtitled “Problematic Blessings.”

$713.76 Donated by Children for Socks Full of Change for Ukraine!

$713.76 TOTAL!!! That’s what our children collected and donated to our fellow UKRAINIAN CHILDREN in ORPHANAGES. Children get so excited and involved in seeing how their gifts benefit kids just like them in another part of the world! It is so heartwarming to see children understand and welcome Christian servitude.

Speaking of “servitude,” the girls weren’t quite as excited about serving pizza for the boys. The boys had raised more money and therefore were the winners. But all children involved certainly ended up a winner, whether they gave or received!

January 30, 2022 – Be the Difference Sermon Series: The Extra Mile

Worship (SPUMCColumbus)
Worship (SPUMCColumbus)
January 30, 2022 - Be the Difference Sermon Series: The Extra Mile

Rev. Dr. P. Shane Green teaches us how to live a life of giving in this sermon,”Be the Difference: The Extra Mile.”