First Steps – October 1, 2018

Anger and anxiety characterizes our lives more than patience and peace. We act in compulsive, competitive, and controlling ways.  We have our addictions and issues, though some of us hide them better than others.  We lose our temper, and our tongues rattle off with meaningless chatter or hurtful diatribes.  Often they are verbal arrows that pierce others.  Then all of this produces grief and guilt because we don’t want to live in this way.  A conflict rages inside us that our shame and guilt only fuels.  We know we ought to love, and at times we desire it deeply; but still, more often than not, we do not choose to love.

Yet, our experience with the risen Christ reorients and renews us towards compassion and kindness.  As we continually—daily—give ourselves to Christ, it creates a whole new capacity to love God, our neighbor, and even ourselves. We are all not what we want to be BUT we definitely aren’t what we used to be.  Thankfully, personal transformation is not left to us alone.  We are not abandoned to our own will and ability.  We participate with the Divine One.  It is the Holy One who breaks into our time, our space, our minds, our psyche, and our personality to give comfort and companionship in a very real way.  It is the Spirit’s work in us, which produces the inward transformation that is desperately needed.

Unfortunately, I forget the assurance that comes with the Spirit’s work, especially when I focus on the destructive areas of my life.  Therefore, trust that God is working on their areas.  We are all works-in-progress.  Remember the Spirit’s work in you.



This week’s reading:

  • Monday – Ephesians 1
  • Tuesday – Ephesians 2
  • Wednesday – Ephesians 3
  • Thursday – Ephesians 4
  • ​Friday – Ephesians 5

Please Pray for:

  • Our nation and our leaders.
  • Our families, homes, workplace, church, and community.
  • Our new year in Christian studies and activities.
  • Those that are suffering and grieving.
  • Ongoing Building Renovations, Modifications, and Phase 3: Construction of New Youth Building and rear parking.
  • The United Methodist Church.