First Steps – September 25, 2017

Lately, I’ve been thinking about words—what someone says.  In our society, there is a chance for physical danger and violence; but for most of us, the danger comes in spoken form.  We say and hear things that destroy and tear down. I’m often reminded of three of my favorite quotes about words:

  • A word is dead when it is said, some say.  I say it just begins to live that day.—Emily Dickinson
  • A blow with a word strikes deeper than a blow with a sword.—Robert Burton
  • A sharp tongue is the only edge tool that grows sharper with constant use.—Washington Irving

    The Book of James (Chapter 3) weighs in as well by placing an enormous value on the tongue and words that are spoken.  On one side, the tongue can be like a fire that burns the whole building down. Unfortunately, we are all guilty of arson when it comes to our tongue. On the other hand, moral perfection is linked to someone who can control his/her tongue.  There lies our goal—control of the tongue. Would you be willing to focus on your words this week? Ask God to reveal the places where we’ve started fires with our tongues. Mastery of the tongue starts with awareness.  Focus this week on your words:  where you tear down and where you build up.

    “Dear Lord,
    Show me the places where I tear down and hurt with my words.  Teach me a new vocabulary.  Change my heart so that my words are different.  Where I have hurt others, help me to speak words that heal and build up.  Amen.” 


This Week’s Reading:
Monday – Revelation 18
Tuesday – Revelation 19
Wednesday – Revelation 20
Thursday – Revelation 21
Friday – Revelation 22

Prayer Requests:
Those affected by Hurricanes Harvey, Irma, Maria
Mexico City and those affected by recent earthquake
Our Confirmation Class and their first retreat this weekend at EBTS