First Steps – June 3, 2019

Catherine Parr, the 6th and only surviving wife of Henry VIII, published her prayers. This one is my favorite:

“Lord Jesus, help me to want what is most pleasant to you. You know what is best for me. Give what you will, when the right time comes, and in the quantity you prefer. Do with me as you please. Put me where you will. I am in your hands. I am your servant. I am ready to do whatever you command. You are the true peace of my heart and the perfect rest of my soul.

If you want me to be in light, I will praise you. If you want me to be in darkness, I will also praise you. If you comfort me, I will bless you. If you allow me to be troubled, I will bless you.

O Lord, make possible by your grace that which is impossible by my nature. Sometimes I think I am going to hold together, but when a little trouble comes it tears me apart. Good Lord, you know my weakness, my frailness. Have mercy on me. Amen.”

Try this:
1. Pray this prayer out loud.
2. What words stand out to you?
3. In silent refection, focus on those words.
4. Spend a few minutes with your eyes closed, take deep breaths, and listen to what is going on around you.

This week’s reading:

  • Monday – Matthew 26, Matthew 27
  • Tuesday – Matthew 28, 1 Thes 1, 1 Thes 2, 1 Thes 3
  • Wednesday – 1 Thes 4, 1 Thes 5, 2 Thes 1, 2 Thes 2, 2 Thes 3
  • Thursday – Rom 1, Rom 2, Rom 3, Rom 4
  • Friday – Rom 5, Rom 6, Rom 7, Rom 8

    Please Pray for:
    • Ongoing Building Renovations, Modifications.
    • Our families, homes, workplace, church, and community.
    • Those who are unwillingly absent.
    • Those who are grieving and depressed.
    • The United Methodist Church.
    • Our nation and our leaders.