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St Paul for All 2024

October 20 All day


St. Paul For All  Day Service Sunday! 

Mark the date on your calendar and make plans to be a part of our 10th Annual SP4A Service Sunday!  This year, we will once again team up with Rise Against Hunger to put together nutrition/meal packs for people around the world plagued with starvation and malnutrition. Over the last two years, St. Paul has provided and packed close to 60,000 meals for food insecure communities as far away as Madagascar, making sure that everyone has access to at least one meal a day, and that the hungry children in these areas receive the vitamins their bodies and minds need to grow. This year, our goal is to pack at least another 25,000 meals, but we need YOUR help to do this!

To address the needs of the food insecure in our own community, we are teaming up with Wynnton   Neighborhood Network to provide Essential Needs Meal Bags and Holiday Meal Bags for the people the network serves.  Soon, grocery bags with shopping lists and statistics on the local hunger crisis will be available for pick up at St Paul, our prayer being that our St. Paul families will shop together, using this as a teaching moment about those in need for their own children, or even for other customers in the grocery store who might wonder what you are doing with your list! The cost to put together a bag is nominal — around $16.00 for an essentials bag and $25.00 for a holiday bag, but the value of our families serving together, to feed families in need . . . Priceless!!

 Our goal is to provide at least 50 bags of each type to WNN.  Come on St. Paul, We can do this . . . Easy Peasy!!

We also have a few other surprises in the works for St. Paul For All Day so stay tuned for more info. coming soon.  The important thing is to Save The Date- October 20, 2024, And plan to be a part of this year’s St. Paul for all Service Sunday!